Is Co-Sleeping With My Newborn Baby Safe?


I think you can agree you didn’t understand the true meaning of tired before having a newborn baby. Am I right? Newborn sleep patterns are a whole new ballgame and what many new parents struggle with most. You’ll do anything for a good night’s sleep. But it feels like every few minutes, you’re getting up to check on your little one. For this reason, and many more, some parents favor co-sleeping.

What is co-sleeping?

Co-sleeping refers to sleeping with your baby. The majority of parents co-sleep by sharing an adult bed with their babies. However, sleeping with your baby in a cot next to your bed is also considered a form of co-sleeping.

Why do people co-sleep with their newborn babies?

Co-sleeping often results in better sleep for you and your newborn baby. Instead of being up every few minutes, checking on your little one, you can sleep soundly, listening to them snoozing beside you. One of the biggest benefits of co-sleeping is the ease of breastfeeding. Waking up and tending to your little one’s needs quickly means you can satisfy them and get back to sleep sooner. However, many new parents have concerns relating to the safety of co-sleeping.


Don’t worry. In this blog post, we’ll be answering the question, “is co-sleeping safe?”


Another reason new parents choose to co-sleep is to feel closer to their newborn baby. Sleeping side by side is believed to be a great way to bond with your little one. But, there are other, equally effective ways to connect with your baby, so don’t worry if co-sleeping doesn’t feel right for you.

Is co-sleeping right for me?

Whether you decide to co-sleep with your baby or not is a personal choice. There are pros and cons of co-sleeping, and it’s up to you to decide which feels most aligned with your baby and family.

Pros and cons of co-sleeping

We’ve shared a few pros and cons of co-sleeping, but let’s break these down to make the decisions easier for you and your partner:

Pros of co-sleeping

● Bonding experience with your little one.

● Good opportunity for skin-to-skin contact.

● Can give parents who might not be available during the daytime with their baby.

● Studies suggest it can help mothers recover quicker from birth and conditions such as postnatal depression.

● Easier for late-night feeds.

● Can put your mind at rest rather than spending hours of potential rest time worrying about your newborn in the next room.

Cons of co-sleeping

There are potential safety risks to co-sleeping if not done correctly. You must follow all the precautions if you wish to co-sleep with your newborn baby.

● Studies show that sharing a bed increases the likelihood of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

● If you have children already, you mustn’t allow them to co-sleep with you and your newborn. Explaining this to your older children can be difficult.

● It can cause problems for the mother and father’s relationship. If you decide to co-sleep, make sure you have an open discussion with your partner about what this will look like and how you’ll continue to navigate your relationship in this new stage of life.

● Your newborn baby may develop toe tourniquet, a condition that stops blood circulation due to threads from bedding getting caught on your baby’s toes and other body parts.

● You may experience difficulty transitioning your baby from co-sleeping to their cot and bedroom.

● There’s a risk your baby might fall off the bed or get caught up in adult bedding.

Is co-sleeping safe?

There are pros and cons to co-sleeping. However, if done correctly, co-sleeping is completely safe, and you can enjoy many nights sleeping beside your newborn. Here are a few things you must do to ensure the safety of your baby while co-sleeping:

● Make sure all adult bedding is out of the way of where your newborn will sleep.

● Ensure your mattress is firm and flat.

● Your newborn baby should always sleep in a baby sleeping bag.

● Do not co-sleep on a sofa or armchair.

● You must not be on medication that can make you drowsy, be drinking alcohol or smoking when co-sleeping.


Following these rules means you can make co-sleeping a safe and enjoyable experience for you, your partner, and your newborn baby.


More information regarding newborn sleeping and safety is available as part of the New Baby N You membership. We dive deep into everything you need to know before your little one arrives and as you embark on this exciting new journey. It’s the one place new parents need to be. Click here to join the New Baby N You community and learn everything you need to as a doting newborn parent.