Over the past 25 years, we have found there are common concerns for all new parents. From the first critical days of the baby’s life to the intense and stressful weeks yet to come.
Our tutorials will provide parents a clearer understanding of baby care from Delivery, through Surviving, and onto Thriving; to best aid them in navigating the difficult and demanding times of having a newborn.
What we deliver:
Our site offers quick, digestible modules that each focus on a key skill or techniques for new parents. These tips can help parents more easily adjust to the new lifestyle with the baby.

Unlimited Access to all videos, documents, webinars & news for
Benefits of our Instructional Style
Each instructional module is designed to explain the “How” and “Why” behind the proven methods to handle the critical first days and months ahead as a new parent. Our mission is to educate you so that you can decipher how your baby communicates. This work is imperative for strengthening the bond between parents and baby.

Practical Approach
Our instructions are designed to provide foundational baby care knowledge.

Global Approach
No matter what language you speak the fact is, babies have their own language.
Learn, the babies' language to better understand and communicate with your baby.

Our Focus
To make the unknown; known.
Members Videos

Understanding Baby’s Needs


Babies Sound & What They Might Mean
Recent Blog Posts
The Newborn Stage: What Is It? And When Does It End?
At New Baby N You, we focus on providing you with help, guidance, and education in the newborn stage. The newborn period can be a daunting prospect, with questions surrounding how long it lasts, what to expect, and if it’s the hardest part of parenting. Our online lessons give you practical tools for navigating […]
Will I Still Have A Social Life After Having A Baby?
Having a baby turns your world upside down. Suddenly, you have a human being to love, care for, and coo over. Your life pre-birth can feel like a distant fairy tale full of coffee dates, shopping trips, and cocktails. But having a baby doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your life entirely. It’s […]
Tokophobia: How to handle your fear of childbirth
The announcement of your pregnancy is usually met with excited friends and family sharing their congratulations. And while you’re happy for the abundance of love and support, it can feel like your tokophobia symptoms don’t have a place. Tokophobia affects thousands of Americans. However, awareness of this psychological condition remains scarce. We’re sharing everything […]