How To Stop Newborn Hiccups

how to stop newborn hiccups


Every newborn will experience hiccups. Hiccups in babies are a natural part of the growing process, and usually nothing to worry about. When your baby has hiccups, there’s typically a reason for this. And by understanding the cause of their hiccups, you can help relieve or shorten them.


In this blog post, we’re sharing the most effective ways to stop baby hiccups. We recommend only using these techniques if you’re concerned about your newborn’s hiccups. Otherwise, baby hiccups should go away naturally in five to ten minutes.

What are baby hiccups?

Just as we do, babies have hiccups now and then. Although annoying, hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm and are mostly harmless. For babies, hiccups are an essential part of their brain and breathing development. When your baby is a newborn, regular hiccupping is a good sign. It’s only if your baby’s hiccups are prolonged (lasting for days rather than minutes) that you may have cause for concern.


Many parents can become flustered and overwhelmed when their baby has hiccups. To adults, hiccups aren’t an enjoyable sensation. And because of our personal experience, we might worry that hiccups are upsetting or distressing our newborn. However, most newborns remain unfazed by hiccups and will go about their day, eating, sleeping, and burping as usual.

Why do newborns get hiccups?

The exact science behind hiccups in babies remains unknown. It’s believed that hiccups occur as a result of contractions in the diaphragm. Hiccups in newborns are likely common because of increased irritation in this area. Eating, swallowing, and burping expand the stomach, putting pressure on the diaphragm and causing hiccups.

How to stop newborn hiccups

Hiccups in newborns often occur around feeding time. This is due to the excess gas that builds up in their stomach. If your baby is hiccupping when eating, there are several measures you can take:


● If your baby has hiccups, sit them upright and tap their back to stop them.


● Try to feed your baby when they’re calm and relaxed. Feeding a calm baby is not only easier, but it reduces the likelihood of them getting hiccups. If your baby is distressed, they’re going to struggle to swallow, making them more prone to hiccups.


● Encourage your baby to eat slowly. Having enough time to digest properly reduces stomach irritation, lessening the likelihood they’ll get hiccups.


● Sit your baby upright at mealtimes. Sitting upright encourages smoother digestion.


Baby hiccups are not something to be scared of; they’re something to celebrate! Hiccups are a sign of your baby’s growth and show they’re settling into life outside the womb. However, we understand the worries associated with this unusual bodily function and why many parents want to relieve their newborns of this. Unless your baby is hiccupping for extended periods, and they look distressed as a result, hiccups are nothing to worry about. If necessary, you can use the tips in this blog post to reduce your baby’s hiccups. Otherwise, enjoy watching your baby experience this unusual sensation as they grow. Click here to learn how to stop newborn hiccups after feeding