How Much Should A Newborn Baby Eat?

newborn feeding schedule

How much should a newborn eat? It’s the question the majority of new parents ask. For many, feeding is a worrisome topic. We all want to ensure our babies are eating enough to develop and grow. But how do we know the correct amount of breastmilk or formula our babies need to consume? In this blog post, we’re answering the question ‘how much should a newborn eat?’ and helping you better understand your newborn feeding schedule.

How much should a newborn eat?

Remember, every newborn is different, and therefore, eating habits vary among babies. As your baby grows, they’ll begin to establish an eating pattern. But, how much they eat each day will still vary. Just like it does for us, levels of hunger will fluctuate for your newborn. However, there are indications whether your newborn’s feeding schedule is healthy.


Newborns tend to eat little and often. While we sit down and consume three meals a day, our baby’s prefer to snack throughout. On average, a newborn baby will want to feed every two to three hours and around eight to twelve times a day. The majority of newborns will consume one to two ounces of milk or formula each time they feed.

What is cluster feeding?

Some newborns cluster feed. Cluster feeding is when your baby has lots of short feeds in a small amount of time. Each feed lasts for a few minutes, but the baby will want to feed several times an hour. Many babies begin cluster feeding when they first start breastfeeding. It’s common for cluster feeding babies to sleep between each feed and become restless and fussy when hunger strikes. Cluster feeding isn’t ideal for parents. If breastfeeding, it can be immensely tiresome for the mother and a hassle if bottle feeding. However, your newborn should soon grow out of these habits and establish a more spread-out feeding schedule.

How do I know if my baby is eating enough?

The main concern parents have regarding their newborn feeding schedule is if their baby is eating enough. Just like us, babies know when they’re hungry, and they’ll have no issue with informing you of their needs. Here are a few signs of hunger to look out for:

● Restlessness

● Rooting (turning their head and opening their mouth)

● Sucking fingers or fists

● Crying is also a sign of hunger. However, you should feed your baby before they reach this stage.


There are two ways to know if your baby is eating enough: weight gain and their diaper.

Tracking your baby’s growth is essential for health reasons. Weight gain signals if your baby is consuming enough for healthy development. The frequency and density of your baby’s diapers will also indicate if your baby is eating enough. A nutritional newborn feeding schedule should result in your baby producing lots of wet diapers. Each day your newborn should produce at least five soaked through diapers filled with urine.

Concerns About Your Newborn feeding schedule

If you have any worries surrounding how much or how little your newborn is eating, speak with a doctor. By talking to a medical professional, you’ll be able to better understand if your newborn’s feeding schedule is healthy. Ignoring feeding-related issues can lead to problems and may affect your baby’s development. Try to familiarize yourself with your newborn’s feeding schedule and any changes that may occur.


Most babies have no issue letting their guardians know when they’re hungry. So trust your newborn will develop a feeding schedule that suits them.


As part of the New Baby N You membership, we educate you on everything you need to know about feeding your baby, newborn breastfeeding schedules, and potential feeding concerns. Click here for expert mentorship and guidance from the NBNY team of medical professionals. With New Baby N You by your side, you never have to worry about navigating the hard world of parenting alone.